About company
The main activity of the plant is the creation and manufacturing of the high-quality products and technologies guaranteeing environmental protection, labor protection and protection from harmful influences. Our products help to prevent and eliminate the consequences of man-made accidents and natural disasters.
Our main goals:
- manufacture of products with a high level of quality;
- expansion of the product range;
- development of new markets;
- improvement of material welfare of employees and shareholders.
The structure of the company

We design and manufacture products with desired properties and to order. We assist in the selection and maintenance of RPE. We consult on the development of corporate standards in terms of requirements for personal protective equipment, as well as other aspects of safety and protection of people's health.
More than half a century of experience in the field of sorption technologies allows us to comprehensively solve the problems of gas protection, and the presence of a developed scientific and production base - to constantly improve mass production and create new products with excellent consumer properties.
The quality control of products is carried out by the technical control department, which ensures high quality and reliability of our products.
June 28, 1937 is the official date of foundation of OJSC EHMZ named after N.D. Zelinsky
The production of military products started. In October, the plant was completely stopped. It was decided to evacuate the plant in Perm.
After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the restoration of the plant began.
The plant started developing the new types of products. In the first place - industrial gas masks, self-rescuers, absorber cupramite, carbogel, chemical equipment... And even gas masks for horses. One gas mask is kept in the museum of the plant.
The production of the first self-rescuers OP-4 was arranged. In the late 40s of the 20th century there was a large-scale construction of housing for factory workers and their families, as well as social and cultural facilities.
In 1948, the factory club was opened. In front of the building there is a monument to the Liquidators and victims of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
In just four years, the volume of production produced by the plant has increased almost three times. New production facilities are under construction. The company has mastered and introduced into production dozens of new products.

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